Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010


for Theme Thursday Challenge. Here is my first Skinny.

Thanks for looking.

19 Kommentare:

  1. so viele schöne sachen die letzten tage... was bist du fleißig! und die farben der collage sind total nach meinem geschmack!

  2. Tja was soll ich schreiben ??
    Das sie mir gefällt, weißt Du sicher :)
    Die ist so so schööön *schmacht*

  3. Gorgeous collage, great colours

  4. Beautiful collage, Rosie, and I like the quote a lot!

  5. Wieder mal eine super gewerkelte Collage, Rosie!

  6. Die Collage gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut!
    LG Anja

  7. A lovely collage - beautiful imagery and color Rosie!

  8. A beautiful piece Rosie! Lovely image and colors and quote. Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is fabulous, your skinny. So beautifully created!! How are you enjoying your summer? Hope all is well. I have had a hectic one, I had an eye implant surgery on May 27 followed by 3 weeks of post op meds, then one week ago, exactly, I had the surgery on my other eye. Just got back from the eye doctor and see the surgeon in another week as well. I am doing well, I was okay with the images but the commenting area has been difficult for me because I could not read or respond much because of the writing not being seen with out computer magnification and my Windows mail cannot do magnification so had a trusty magnifying glass practically glued to my forehead (smile). I appreciate the wonderful comments you have been generous in giving...your kindness is so heartwarming. Big hugs, Gayle.

  10. einfach super schön was du zauberst.
    Viele Grüße Heike


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