Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

A Triptych

for Artful Times Challenge #69. Please click to enlarge.

Thank you for looking.

9 Kommentare:

  1. Das sieht ja wunderbar aus ! Eine tolle Creation Rosie !! Liebe Grüsse Enny

  2. I made the picture bigger. Then it looks like stained glass. Greetings Janny

  3. A stunning project, beautiful backgrounds. it looks like glass paintings.

  4. Sehe edel.Mein einzigster Triptych liegt Jahre zurück...

  5. Very beautiful work on this Rosie.

    Love Chrissie x

  6. A beautiful entry for our challenge Rosie. Gorgeous colours, I especially like the centre panel with the rose.
    Please could you tell us a little about how you achieved your entry so we can consider it for the winer/runner up along with the other entries we hope to receive.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. This is stunning work! Absolutely gorgeous! x

  8. Fantastic work Rosie, I love the glass like quality about it. Thank you for joining us on Artful Times.


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