Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2013

You hold the Key

for Out of a Hat Creations #69
Thank you for looking.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful artwork Rosie on this piece. Always great to have you join in with us at Out of a Hat

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Oh wow Rosie, this looks fantastic!! LOVE how you have used these stamps together, fabulous!!

  3. terrific stamping and colouring Rosie, Annette x

  4. What a wonderful eclectic mix of stamping, great project.
    Amanda x

  5. Wow, was für eine tolle Zusammenstellung! Sieht super aus!

  6. Eine saustarke Karte, Rosie :-)

  7. Stunning stamping and colours, Rosie - this is amazing!
    Alison x

  8. Stunning card Rosie, thanks for joining us at OOAH
    Janet x

  9. Fab card Rosie love the collage stamping you have done and the little metal key great. Thanks for joining us at OOAH. Hugs Sandra X


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