Samstag, 6. Juli 2013

Come Rain or Shine

for Artful Times Challenge #33
Thank you for looking.

I've dipped this Glossypapier in Alcohol Inks that was still on my Craftsheet from another artwork. After drying I have stamped the girl with the umbrella first and then I have her masked. The houses, the text and the raindrops were then over stamped. The big raindrops have I stamped on a separate sheet paper, then colored, cut out and glued on the postcard.

12 Kommentare:

  1. I think the raindrops are FABULOUS! Its wonderful. Cx

  2. So great... I can see I'm going to give in to those wonderful water drops soon, it's such a cool stamp!
    Alison x

  3. Fab card! I LOVE the huge raindrops! Carole Zxx

  4. Meine Güte,ein tolles Kärtchen
    und das auch noch in meinen Lieblingsfarben...die Tropfen sind der absolute Wahnsinn,die sehen so echt aus---KLASSE!!!

    LG Marion

  5. das ist ein ganz tolles werk geworden.
    wünsch dir noch einen tollen sonntag.

  6. Fantastic ideas on this Rosie and I love the stamps you used

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Have I missed who does those raindrops - they are amazing.
    What a lovely postcard you have made. Truly a lovely collection of great images.
    Thanks for joining us at Artful Timers again.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Just love the image put with the bubbles :)
    Von ☺

  9. Love your post card Rosie, fab rain drops
    Janet x


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