Mittwoch, 4. September 2019

MOO MANIA & MORE #199 - Use a Stamp / Verwende Stempel

You can use one or many stamps as you wish for this theme, as always what you make is entirely up to yourselves. / Du kannst einen und/oder mehrere Stempel für dieses Thema verwenden. Es bleibt Dir überlassen.

You can link all sorts of projects to this theme - not only MOO(s) are accepted over at MOO MANIA & More.
Thank you for looking.

Ihr könnt mit allem, was Ihr zum Thema werkelt (Moo's, ATCs, Karten etc) bei MOO MANIA & More teilnehmen.
Danke für's Anschauen.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Oh so beautiful. I love that stamp too with the owl.

  2. Wonderful card Rosie !! These stamps are gorgeous, love the colours you have chosen, the design and the clever quote! Fabulous art as always.
    Wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugssss, Caty

  3. I love that cool book owl and that red flower is the perfect splash of color. Thanks for visiting my blog. Blessings!

  4. Oh, that book owl is absolutely wonderful - what a great stamp!
    Alison x


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