Donnerstag, 12. September 2019

Flowery Delicate / Blumig zart

for Paperminutes Challenge #605

Thank you for looking.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Boah, Rosie, die sind ja traumhaft schön!!!!

  2. Wow, beide karten sind wunschön, Rosie! ❤️

  3. Super schön, ganz traumhaft! Ist das DSP von Renke?

  4. Exquisitely delicate florals. I love the panel of delicately shaded flowers on the first card especially, and the book page stamp on the mailart makes me very happy!
    Alison x

  5. Wowww Wonderful cards Rosie !! I looove them. Both are Gorgeous, love the paper, so delicate, the sweet colours, the lovely bird of the second one, well, they are Amazing!
    I wish you a very nice Friday, and send big hugs,

  6. These are gorgeous, Rosie - and VERY delicate - I'm impressed. The first one is a stunner but the second one is also gorgeous.
    Cath x


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