Wonderful, Rosie - and once again, we're after the same stamps - I'm waiting for my dragons to arrive... I already have the cats, but they're not really my favourite animals (ssh! Don't tell anyone, ROFL). Great atcs. Cath x
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Wonderful, Rosie - and once again, we're after the same stamps - I'm waiting for my dragons to arrive... I already have the cats, but they're not really my favourite animals (ssh! Don't tell anyone, ROFL). Great atcs.
AntwortenLöschenCath x
Fabulous ATC's Rosie, I have had a super catch up tonight to see your wonderful art posts I have missed recently.
AntwortenLöschenYvonne xx
Sehr cool, besonders die selbstgemachten Briefmarken!!
AntwortenLöschenWundervolle ATCs, jawohl!