Donnerstag, 4. April 2019

TOS - Technique / Torn off Surface

= Stick Transparent Tape to an Illustrated Page and peel it off again, then stick it on the Postcard with a Glue pen. It's a card for Art Cards Challenge Blog.

Thank you for looking

5 Kommentare:

  1. Nice to see the old image transfer technique coming back again, Rosie - I remember doing this years ago, although we taped full images. Your postcard is so dramatic. Gorgeous.
    Cath x

  2. Cool Rosie. This is an amazing piece and I love the idea of pulling up tape. hugs-Erika

  3. Hach, die Karte ist so schön und sieht so edel aus! LG

  4. This is a very interesting technique Rosie !! Thanks so much for sharing. The result is Wonderful !! Lovely image and background!!
    I wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty


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