Sonntag, 21. April 2019


for Sunday Postcard Art

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11 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, fantastic artwork. Great stamps and colors. Happy Easter!

  2. The color in this is amazing and I love the stars and all the little details what a beautiful card.
    Have a Happy Easter.

  3. This is beautiful Rosie! Happy Easter! Chrisx

  4. Happy Easter, Rosie. Your colors are vibrant and beautiful!

  5. Auch ein tolles Motiv für dieses Thema!
    Schönen Sotermontag &
    Liebe Grüße Katrin

  6. Sehr hübsch... eine herrliche Inspiration. Ich hoffe Du hattest eine schöne Osterzeit und sende frühlingsfrische Grüße aus Augsburg, Heidrun

  7. Beautiful details throughout this card- wonderful colors!

  8. What a regal color palette, Rosie! Great detail in addition to the lace! Well done.

  9. What a so so Wonderful card Rosie !! Love the so beautiful stamps over this pink and blue background, Precious !
    Wish you a very happy afternoon
    Big hugs, Caty

  10. These must be Art Journey stamps - if not, I'll be very surprised. They are wonderful.
    Cath x


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