Dienstag, 20. Februar 2018

# 2948 - Vintage

The new challenge over at TRY IT ON TUESDAY for the next two weeks.
Here is my sample for this challenge.

Thank you for looking.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Eine wunderschöne Karte Rosie. GLG, Valerie

  2. A stunning vintage lady. Its a beautiful card Rosie.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Such a beautiful project! You have captured the vintage style perfectly with the beautiful stamped lady, swirls of pearls and the colours that you used 😁. Happy Tuesday! J 😊

  4. EInfach wunderbar - Deine Zauberhand spielt mit diesem Motiv immer so, dass man sich freut - eine himmlisch schöne Vintage!

  5. A beautiful piece Rosie, lovely colouring and embellishments,
    Avril xx

  6. I love the expression on your lady's face and all the wonderful details
    Lula xx

  7. Beautifully vintage Rosie! Your lady has a lovely expression! Chrisx

  8. What a romantic image! Love your little touch of color.

  9. This is a dramatic piece Rosie. Just beautiful.

  10. Such an alluring focal image Rosie, those added gems really do put her into the spotlight. A vintage beauty, Thank you for sharing her with us all.
    Creative wishes Tracey x


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