Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018

# 2942 - One for the Girls

for Fashionable Stamping Challenges #132
Background is made inspired by this video

Thank you for looking.

8 Kommentare:

  1. This is so beautiful Rosie, love the stamps

    Best wishes
    Annie x

  2. It is gorgeous Rosie - love your eye of a feather :-) xx

  3. Such a beautiful piece! I love the colours and different stamps you used to create this and the quote is so inspiring 😁. Wishing you a wonderful week too! J 😊

  4. Very nice stamping work here. Lovely piece. xoxo

  5. A fabulous piece Rosie,
    Thanks for sharing at Fashionable Stamping Challenge
    Avril x

  6. This is stunning Rosie! The background is gorgeous and I love how you've detailed the eye.
    Dot x
    Ink Art Designs


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