Sonntag, 7. Januar 2018

# 2908 - Flourishes

for Sunday Postcard Art

Thank you for looking.

12 Kommentare:

  1. This is lovely Rosie. Wonderful design layout and color choices. Everything blends well together. I'm always glad when you join Sunday Postcard Art because I don't always get over to visit your blog.

  2. Eine wunderschöne Karte liebe Rosie!
    Schönen Sonntag für Dich!

  3. Oh Rosie, this is delightful and so pretty!

  4. This is wonderful Rosie your flourishes just make this flow beautifully.

  5. Wonderful postcard art! The background design is so beautiful - I love it 😁. I hope you had a lovely weekend andhave a great week! J 😊

  6. beautiful. I love the subtle colours and the bird imagery

  7. This is such a beautiful card Rosie, I love the colours and the lovely images.
    xxx Hazel


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