Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018

# 2921 - Discovering the Path

Inspired by Michelle Turbide over at Wanderlust 2018. This is a canvas board, painted with Acryl and Watercolours. And I will show it over at Art Journal Journey - New Adventures

Thank you for looking.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Ist das schön ... *schwärm*


  2. Wow - das sieht toll aus Rosie! Super gewerkelt! Danke für's Zeigen bei Art Journal Journey! SUPER!!!
    Schönen Tag Liebes!
    oxo Susi

  3. Wow. This is gorgeous Rosie. I want to take a walk down that trail and see what adventure I can find along the way. :) Thanks for joining us at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

  4. Stunning work - beautiful! Love the colours in the sky x

  5. This is so beautiful Rosie! Hugs,Chrisx

  6. Your work of art is so beautiful! And is so perfect for this month's Art Journal Journey theme! I love the gorgeous scene you created!!!

  7. You paint SO well, Rosie. I am in awe of this painting. I love how the road meanders and leads your eye to the next adventure. Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey.


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