Dienstag, 1. August 2017

Postcards and/or Mailart

This is the new challenge theme for the next two weeks over at Try it on Tuesday

Thank you for looking.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Terrific post card Rosie with style and interest

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Fab postcard, very dramatic, love it

    Joan x

  3. Its a fantastic postcard and a super idea that it is framed like a stamp.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Eine fantastische Collage Karte ist das - gefällt mir riesig gut Rosie!

  5. Brilliant postcard with a creative design, Rosie! Mar xx

  6. Love the vintage images here, and the bold look of the b&w with red accents is fantastic.
    Alison x

  7. Fabulous images on your postcard Rosie, love the black/white with the pops of red colours.
    Avril xx

  8. Großartig zusammengestellt all die schönen Motive und das alles auf einer Briefmarke. ;)
    Super gemacht.
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Love the colours you have used for this striking postcard! Chrisx


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