Sonntag, 14. August 2016


for Sunday Postcard Art and for Art Cards Challenge Blog - Bookpage

Thank you for looking.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Wow so beautiful, Love your background, and what a great image!!!

    Have fun!!

  2. Wonderful wheels project Rosie

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. stunning piece Rosie. i'm blown away wonderful

  4. Great postcard, Rosie! Adding the gears is a perfect detail. I definitely want to ride in one of those vehicles. It looks like it would be enjoyable and relaxing.

  5. I want dreaded the color orange, Rosie, but have come to appreciate it's unique quality to highlight a vintage project. You have used it perfectly here for this week's SPA challenge. Well done!

  6. I want dreaded the color orange, Rosie, but have come to appreciate it's unique quality to highlight a vintage project. You have used it perfectly here for this week's SPA challenge. Well done!


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