Freitag, 19. August 2016

Resist Stamping

For Fashionable Stamping Challenge #114

Thank you for looking.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Das ist eine wunderschöne Karte mit dieser Technik Rosie. Gefällt mir sehr.
    Viele Dank fürs Verlinken bei FSC.
    LG Carola

  2. A clever technique and beautiful images

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. A really striking creation Rosie and great resist stamping, thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.

    B x

  4. Rosie, you've made another wonderful card with fabulous images and background colours. I really like how you've highlighted certain parts of the dressform as it looks really effective and I love your resist stamping too. Thank you for joining us again at Fashionable Stamping Challenges. Sandra X

  5. A fabulous card Rosie, love the background, gorgeous colours for the resist.
    Thanks for sharing with us at FSC
    Avril xx


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