Dienstag, 12. Januar 2016

One Stamp - Three Postcards

I was so very excited and inspiert by cards from Coco, that I have to do also some of this kind of cards. The technique is very easy, it is the second tutorial on this video from Tim Holtz.
For Fashionable Stamping Challenge - Thank you, and for
Paperminutes #417 - Anything goes

Thank you for looking.

12 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful Rosie with the beautiful stamp and muted colours

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. danke Rosie - so wundervolle Werke mal wieder....und ich strauchel hier rum und habe heute nur in die Tonne gekloppt....ich krieg einfach nichts hin.

    LG, Heike

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!!!!!
    and so honored to be quoted by you Rosie and to have a bit inspired these delightful cards...
    Thanks a lot, it's a pleasure to admire your own versions!!! :)
    Hugs, Coco xxx

  4. Wowww Rosie, die sehen ja alle 3 super aus. Danke, dass du damit wieder bei FSC dabei bist.
    Danke auch für die Links, muss gleich unbedingt mal schauen.
    LG Carola

  5. Die Werke sind wieder klasse geworden. Ich muss gleich mal bei den Links schauen gehen.

  6. Three absolutely outstanding cards Rosie, I think your artwork is just amazing. I love the stamps that you've used here and the clever way of using the filmstrip. I've just taken a look at the video by Tim Holtz and I'll definitely be having a go at this technique next time I get my inks out. Thank you for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges. Sandra x

  7. Oh, die sind ja wunderbar ! Vielen Dank für die Links ! LG Enny

  8. Love them all Rosie plus the colours are amazing.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  9. klasse wie immer!!! Danke fürs zeigen bei FSC!!!!!


  10. Gorgeous backgrounds and in beautiful colours. Love them all.
    Thanks for sharing with us at FSC
    Avril xx

  11. Beautiful cards such gorgeous soft colours, I love the ink technique too! Thank so much for sharing with us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges...Esther xx


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