Dienstag, 8. April 2014

You Spin Me Right Round

for That's Crafty Challenge.
Thank you for looking.

9 Kommentare:

  1. beautiful striking colours and imagery. xx

  2. Ein tolles Tag, so surreal und wunderbar bunt.
    Klasse, Rosie <3


  3. Striking colours and terrific images--a fab piece of art.

    Love Chrissie x

  4. I am loving the bright colours on this one Rosie...and great stamps too!
    Dot x

  5. Love all the different circles and dots on this, Rosie. Thanks for playing along with the latest That's Crafty! challenge.

    Even though you can't go into the draw for the voucher (sorry, it's UK and Ireland residents only) your tag could still be picked as one of the top 3 entries.

  6. Lovely, bright shades, Rosie - love the bubbles!

  7. Gorgeous colours. Love all the flower and all the bubbles.


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