Mittwoch, 2. April 2014

Mail Art

for the monthly challenge over at Art Journey #44 and for the weekly challenge over at Paperminutes #315. It makes a lot of fun and that's why there are two works of mail art.

Thank you for looking.

17 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schon!
    Die Farben sind fabelhaft!

  2. beautiful, I love those Art Journey Roses!
    Groetjes Karin

  3. Beautiful mail art Rosie, thank you for joyning!

  4. Both look really fantastic but the top one is my favourite, love it!!

  5. These envelloppes are gorgious Rsie, what a feast to make and to receive!!!I will try more myself to make such ART enveloppes I think the post will love that!!!


  6. Beide Umschläge sind sehr schön geworden!

  7. Stunning mail art Rosie...already a great hit on Pinterest! :-)

  8. Great mail art Rosie! Thanks for joining our challenge this month!

  9. Beide Umschlägen sind so Schön!!
    Es war schön Dich ïn real life" zu sehen aufs Art Specially Event! Ist doch anders wenn mann sich sch einmal gesehen hat... Groetjes, Gerrina

  10. OMG sind die grandios, ich bin völlig begeistert!!!
    Schön, dass du wieder bei Paperminutes mitgemacht hast.

  11. Love the stamp combinations on both cards! Beautiful work Rosie! Thanks for taking part in the AJ challenge!

  12. Great envelopjes Rosie! Thans for joining our challenge.


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