Sonntag, 6. Februar 2022


 für Sunday Postcard Art

8 Kommentare:

  1. That's a great card Rosie!
    I like the play on words between nautilus and nautical.
    I like the very raised aspect of the shells a bit out of frame, the jostled look of the lighthouse - as if pushed by the wind - and all the subtle shades of the BG.
    Your nautical dreams make you think of the imminent storm.
    Congratulations for this superb achievement.

  2. I love the colors and texture you have created on this...once again gorgeous.

  3. Love the stamping!

  4. Love this,beautiful stamps and colours

  5. Schöne maritime Collage. Macht (bei diesem Schmuddelwetter) Lust auf Mee(hr)!
    Liebe Grüße Katrin


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