Für eine Challenge in unserer Gruppe habe ich mit der schönen alte Sevietten-Technik gewerkelt. Nachdem ich nun 2 Monate nichts gebastelt hatte, ist das ein toller Einstieg.
Rosie, is that the same technique as napkin decoupage? I have some special serviette glue for that and need to get into it as I have collected a ton of napkins by now. Your cards are gorgeous and meaningful. Happy 2022, stay well! xoxo
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Rosie, is that the same technique as napkin decoupage? I have some special serviette glue for that and need to get into it as I have collected a ton of napkins by now. Your cards are gorgeous and meaningful. Happy 2022, stay well! xoxo
AntwortenLöschenHappy 2022 to you
LöschenYes, it is Napkin-Technique.