Samstag, 6. Februar 2021

Jeden Tag eine Karte, 06/28/2021

 Aus Resten von selbst erstellten und verschiedenen Hintergründen zusammen geklebt.

Danke für's Anschauen.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Wunder-wunderschön!
    Die Farben sind ein TRAUM...
    LG Ilse (thera)

  2. I had lots of strips of used backgrounds like these, but I threw them all away very glad I didn't see this idea before or I may still have boxes of them in my craft room - all over the floor, with stamps and dies :-( It looks good and the outline stitching pulls them all together beautifully. It reminds me of Hermine's technique in one of the Art Specially books, made with different scraps of paper stuck onto a background, gessoed, then 'stitched' together with hand drawn stitches. That was my favourite technique for a little while. It was so much fun and such a surprise to see how it ended up.
    Cath x

  3. So herrlich farbenfroh, das macht sofort gute Laune, superschöne Karte.



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