Sonntag, 3. Januar 2021

January Blues

 for / für Sunday Postcard Art

Thank you for looking. / Danke für's Anschauen.

6 Kommentare:

  1. First of all, That's a stunning piece, Rosie. But PLLEASE PLEASE tell me who makes the stamp of the woman looking backwards (not the falling woman, I know that's Visible Image). I have had the stamp of the woman looking behind her for several years and never knew how I got her or who made her, and you are the first person I've ever seen use her. I just have to know! XOXOX

  2. Rosie, I just have to comment again on this awesome piece. You've incorporated the Visible Image Ahead of Our Time stamps (I have those, too but have not yet used them - too intimidating for me) wonderfully with the mandala, the Dina washi and the N-S wall woman. I've Pinned it to remember it, by the Queen of Collage Stamping that you are. And of course as always, your scenic background is truly STELLAR! XOX


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