Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2019

Christmas is Coming

The new challenge over at TRY IT ON TUESDAY for the next two weeks.

Thank you for looking.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Ja, Christmas is coming und die ersten Christmas cards auch - vielen lieben Dank, Rosie, für deine schöne Weihnachtskarte, ich hab mich sehr gefreut!

    Liebe Grüße -

  2. This is amazing Rosie. I do love that man with the tree. What a great holiday image. Wishing you a happy holiday. Hugs-Erika

  3. A brilliant design Rosie! Love this! Chrisxx

  4. Wow fabulous work. Love this my friend
    Hugs June xxx

  5. Fabulous card! It's such a great image as people are decorating their trees for Christmas 😁. Happy December and wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmastime! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Eine wundervolle Karte, liebe Rosie. Ich danke Dir auch recht herzlich für Deine traumhaft schöne Weihnachtspost, ich habe mich so darüber gefreut.

    Eine schöne Adventszeit
    wünscht Dir

  7. Wow Rosie I love the scene and that you've played with different green tones, it's traditional but different, great card. Hugs, María.

  8. Love this, Rosie - that character actually reminds me of Mr Holtz, too! Or maybe more like Brad Pitt, lol. Love your borders. Hope you're having a brilliant time!
    Cath x

  9. A lovely card Rosie, your gentleman looks very proud of his Christmas tree.
    Avril xx


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