Sonntag, 3. November 2019

Carabelle Challenge Day 1 to 3

There is a new challenge by Carabelle Studio for the month of November - to create a mini Artist Trading postage stamp every day.

If you would like to join the challenge the list is below. Of course we would like you to use Carabelle stamps if you have them but if you don't *have* to. The designs need to measure 4.5 x 6 cm and resemble a postage stamp.

Here's the official Carabelle Studio blurb:

Do you want to stay tuned?
Well here is our challenge proposed by the carabelle team .
30 days to explore the tiny format.
30 various and varied themes
Techniques are free but you will be entitled to small videos, from time to time, at our will.

2 requirements
- Size: 4,5 x 6 CM
- it must look like a stamp.
You can share your creation on your page with the hashtags #30daysofatstamps and #atstampswithcarabelle

But also, if you wish, join us on the group Les Cara {friends} (ON FACEBOOK)
So, ready to follow us?

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