Freitag, 4. Oktober 2019

Dreams and/or Wishes

for the October challenge over at Art Journal Journey  The lovely Eileen from The Artful Crafter ist hosting this month. Here are my journal pages in a handmade journal by my dear friend Susi for this theme.

Thank you for lookinng.

6 Kommentare:

  1. You have created fabulous texture and details on this beautiful spread.
    Happy weekend xx

  2. Ich bin begeistert liebe Rosie! So zart, so feminin so detailreich! Wunderwunderschön!
    Und wow... Du verwendest das Journal! Das freut mich natürlich sehr ♥♥♥

    Lieben, lieben Dank für's Mitmachen bei Art Journal Journey!

    ( auch an Bowie)


  3. What a stunning page, Rosie! I love all your layering. There's so much eye candy to admire. Thank you for sharing it with us at AJJ. Eileen xx

  4. A gorgeous page Rosie, I love the colour and details.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Gorgeous composition and textures Rosie! I love your spread!
    Alison x

  6. Who would have thought a pesky squirrel could have sidelined me for over three days. It ate through my phone/internet line and sidelined ME. Otherwise I would have been here sooner.

    I really like your take on Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. I like the dream inspired tag and the butterflies, too. This is simply stunning and a beautiful spread you chose to share with us at Art Journal Journey.


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