Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2019

Colours of Autumn

The new challenge over at TRY IT ON TUESDAY for the next two weeks.

Thank you for looking.

12 Kommentare:

  1. Eine herrliche STimmung unddie Farben sind ein Hammer liebeste Rosie! Schwärm!

    Bussi und happy TioT!


  2. Absolutely glorious colours - that sky is fabulous, and a beautiful stamp too.
    Alison x

  3. Such a beautiful make! I love how you captured the colours of autumn across the sky and foreground with the brown stamped scenery - perfect 😁. Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a wonderful week dear Rosie! Hugs, Jo x

  4. Oh my, Rosie. Dat SKY! Just beyond the rainbow gorgeous. Love this, so Autumny. xoxo

  5. Stunning sky, Rosie and a beautiful PB stamp there...I didn't get that one but sometimes wish I had. I haven't used the one I did choose very often because it's not always practical, but this looks wonderful... I love PB and especially in the hands of a good scenic designer like you!
    Cath x

  6. A beautify card Rosie, love the image and the colours of the sky - stunning.
    Avril xx

  7. This is such a beautiful card Rosie! You really do create wonderful scenes!Chrisx

  8. That looks like it would be a gorgeous autumn walk. Beautiful work Rosie. Hugs-Erika

  9. A beautiful card with gorgeous autumn colours.

  10. Beautiful Autumn scene Rosie


  11. Beautiful scene Rosie, makes me want to walk right into it.. Creative Hugs Tracey x


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