Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2019

MOO MANIA & MORE # 191 - Doors / Türen

Any sort or style of door is welcome using any medium or format you fancy – stamped, collaged, handdrawn, digital fabric, etc just as long as it fits our theme.

You can link all sorts of projects to this theme - not only MOO(s) are accepted over at MOO MANIA & More.
Thank you for looking.

Ihr könnt mit allem, was Ihr zum Thema werkelt (Moo's, ATCs, Karten etc) bei MOO MANIA & More teilnehmen.
Danke für's Anschauen.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Stunning bit of collage, Rosie. Love this - the colours are wonderful and so shabby chic. I love doors... I'll do my best to create some door art for MMM...
    Cath x

  2. beautiful image...

    have a wonderful day

  3. Love your card Rosie !! It´s just amazing. The background is fantastic, love the door, the key and every detail.!! Adorable !
    I wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  4. Einfach nur toll liebe Rosie!!! Wunderbar!

  5. Stunning! Love your background, xoxo

  6. A fabulous page Rosie, the colour and the texture looks super.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Wow, such a stunning piece! I love the collage elements in the background and the rusty heart - beautiful 😊. Jo x


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