Dienstag, 5. März 2019

Inspired by a Word

The new challenge over at TRY IT ON TUESDAY for the next two weeks.

I was inspired by the word

Thank you for looking.

13 Kommentare:

  1. Total schön, ich mag den kleinen Flötenspieler total gerne.

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anke

  2. Die Karte ist wieder fabelhaft schon !

  3. A beautiful page inspired by your chosen word Rosie.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Oh Rosie! I love the colours you have used and what a brilliant way to illustrate your chosen word! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Fabulous make! Music is such a great inspiration and your stamped images and sheet music are perfect 😁. Enjoy your week! J 😊 x

  6. Lovely page with lots of interest


  7. Simply gorgeous meine liebe Rosie!! Happy Try It On Tuesday dear teamie!

  8. Love the background you created with this image Rosie, it's a great word.
    Avril xx

  9. Wooww Rosie !! This is so so Gorgeous !! I love the so wonderful background you have created !! Love these stamps and the lovely colours!!
    I wish you a very nice Wednesday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  10. I love music and you've done a great job of this... that image is one of my all time favourites, too. Beautiful.
    Cath x

  11. Wunderschöne Karte ist das wieder liebe Rosie. Das Motiv mit dem Jungen hab ich auch, aber erst einmal benutzt. Zu diesem schönen HG im Vintage Look passt das perfekt. Ein Träumchen das Ganze.
    Liebe Grüße


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