That's wonderful, Rosie. I saw the challenge and am keeping it in mind, though I refuse to buy canned air just for this one use - I was considering using drinking straws, lol. Haven't used my alcohol inks for years and years but only have the original colours. Plenty to go at, though. Love that figure - can't decide if she's a stamp or a die, she looks so black! Have a great weekend.
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A fabulous joyful card Rosie! Chrisx
AntwortenLöschenThat's wonderful, Rosie. I saw the challenge and am keeping it in mind, though I refuse to buy canned air just for this one use - I was considering using drinking straws, lol. Haven't used my alcohol inks for years and years but only have the original colours. Plenty to go at, though. Love that figure - can't decide if she's a stamp or a die, she looks so black! Have a great weekend.
AntwortenLöschenCath x
Super...superschön, liebe Rosie. Die Farbverläufe schauen gigantisch aus und die Tänzerin mag ich auch sehr.
AntwortenLöschenEinen schönen Abend
wünscht Dir