Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2019

New Stamps

for a swap in our group and for the challenge 'Anything goes' for Fashionable Stamping Challenges #143

Thank you for looking.

6 Kommentare:

  1. A lovely tag and beautiful scene, the new stamps look super.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Beautiful tag indeed with your new Lavinia stamps, Rosie!!
    I have also bought some of them recently again. I love them too, we can compose great scenes with these lovely stamps. I have a whole (big) collection! But I miss time to play with this new stuff, sadly ;-)
    Have a nice stamping day.

  3. Beautiful tag! Your new stamps look fabulous 😁. Have a great day! J 😊 x

  4. Such a pretty tag, Rosie. I love those stamps... I have a few similar that I use over and over again, I love them so much. The thistles stamp is one of my favourite images. Another stunning background :-)

    Cath x

  5. Your card is magical! Thanks for sharing with us at Fashionable Stamping Challenge!


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