Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018

3062 - Black / White and one other Colour

The new challenge over at TRY IT ON TUESDAY for the next two weeks.

Thank you for looking.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Such a striking card, Rosie - beautiful. Love those borders and butterflies are always a winner. I almost used turquoise myself but opted for purples in the end. Lovely work.

    Cath x

  2. A beautiful card Rosie, it is a super insect image you used and lovely background.
    Yvonne xx

  3. This is a so wonderful card Rosie !! I love the so beautiful butterflies and the bee, the green one is lovely! So gorgeous your background, these a very beautiful papers. Thanks so much! I´m so happy to be guest designer at Try it on Tuesday !
    I wish you a very nice day, big hugs,

  4. Beautiful card! The trio of stamped insects with the washi tapes looks wonderful and I love the pop of colour from the central butterfly - perfect 😁. Wishing you a wonderful week! J 😊 x

  5. A great card Rosie and the coloured butterfly looks stunning.
    Avril xx

  6. Das ist so ein fantastisches Kärtchen Rosie . begnadet!


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