Dienstag, 17. Juli 2018

# 3025 - Altered Playing cards

Mixed Media with Art by Marlene over at Studio Light for a monthly challenge in a Facebook group

Thank you for looking.

8 Kommentare:

  1. A lovely set of cards Rosie, the stamps look fantastic.
    Yvonne xx

  2. These cards look great. Love the way you've used the AbM- die cuts.


  3. Always what amazing designs! I love how you used the playing cards and added all those lovely images and embellishments - perfect 😀. Have a lovely day dear Rosie! J 😊 x

  4. Love these, Rosie... those ladies are gorgeous! So beautifully coloured, too.

    Cath xx

  5. These are stunning, Rosie. I absolutely love those faces. And that elephant is wonderful!

  6. WOW wundervolle und so ganz besondere Werke, ich bin beeindruckt.

    Sommerliche Grüße
    von Anke

  7. So gorgeous and they make such a lovely blog header as well xoxo


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