Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018

# 3014 - Things with Wings

The new challenge over at TRY IT ON TUESDAY for the next two weeks.

Thank you for looking.

10 Kommentare:

  1. I absolutely adore this Rosie! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Wunderschön wie immer, Deine Kreationen sind immer eizige Spitze! GLG, Valerie

  3. What a beautiful make! The background looks amazing with the stamps, texture and layers of colour that you created and I love how you gave the little girl wings - perfect 😁. Wishing you a happy and creative week! J 😊 x

  4. Love your vintage piece with the sweet girl image and wonderful background


  5. Das ist ein ganz eigener wunderbarer Rosie Stil - Ich liebe ihn! Eine traumhafte Karte für das Wings Thema liebe Rosie!
    Knuddelgrüße von

  6. A beautiful piece and the little girl image is beautiful.
    Avril xx

  7. What lovely pictures Rosie, a beautiful piece using those vintage images alongside the butterfly. Thank you for sharing.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  8. Eine wunderschöne vintage Karte!

  9. A beautiful vintage card Rosie, she looks lovely and so does the butterflies,

    Yvonne xx

  10. Beautiful ATC, actually, I love whatever you make... :)


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