Sonntag, 20. Mai 2018

# 2988 - Clowns

For Sunday Postcard Art

Thank you for looking.

9 Kommentare:

  1. your background is fantastic as well as your overall postcard. wonderful thanks for playing

  2. Fabulous card! I love the vintage images you used, and your background is really terrific.

  3. A fabulous slice of circus life!

  4. A delightful collage beautifully done this is superb.

  5. Rosie, this is a great card - and I love your clown! :)

  6. Quite the background but, then, quite the focal image, too! You combined lots of elements and artful techniques that together soar! Well done, Rosie! Thanks for participating in the Sunday Postcard Art challenge this week. It was my pleasure to host it! Hugs, Kay

  7. Wow, what an amazing postcard! I love the colours, patterns and images - perfect 😁. Have a wonderful day dear Rosie! J 😊 x

  8. I love the background too. And I like your clown.

  9. Was für grandioser vintage-clown!!


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