Donnerstag, 29. März 2018

# 2964 - Happy Easter

One card for all.

Thank you for looking.

I link this card to MOO MANIA & MORE 'Happy Easter'

10 Kommentare:

  1. Happy Easter Rosie,
    a wonderful Easter ticket - so filled with spring too- Do you also have snow, as we do here :-( Have a lovely rest of the day !! xo

  2. ♥♥♥ danke für's nochmalige Werkeln für Moo Mania & More ♥♥♥
    Schönen Abend liebe Rosie!

  3. What a beautiful Easter inspired card! It's an amazing design being in the shape of a ticket with the pretty postage stamps, daffodils, chick and twine 😁. Wishing you a very Happy Easter dear Rosie! J 😊 x

  4. Beautiful spring feeling creation

  5. Happy Easter Rosie, it is a beautiful card.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Das fröhliche Gelb deiner schönen Karte macht richtig gute Laune, gefällt mir sehr.
    liebe Grüße und auch dir Frohe Ostern.

  7. Happy easter to you Rosie. You made a beautiful card. Hugs-Erika

  8. I love this piece! The colors and pictures are perfect for spring.

  9. This is such a cheerful way to greet Easter! Love both the colours and these images! Hugs,Chrisx


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