Sonntag, 18. März 2018

# 2961 - Envelopes

I am glad to hosting this week the challenge over at Sunday Postcard Art. Here are my samples

Thank you for looking.

12 Kommentare:

  1. waue, lovely, wonder if you care tosend decorated envelopes? On my blog you can see more...Iam on Instagram to : @Dortesjs

  2. Schöne Mail-Art-Umschläge!

  3. Wunderschöne Karten, sieht ganz toll aus
    glg Gertrude

  4. These are beautiful Rosie, and a great theme idea. Lovely inspiration pieces.

  5. These are fabulous Rosie what a joy to receive one of these in the mail...great challenge too.

  6. Oh wow Rosie, these are all terrific! Thanks for hosting and inspiring us this week!

  7. Rosie, your theme choice is so unique and I absolutely love it. Even if I hadn’t already been playing with the idea. Your envelope postcards are darling! I’ve had such fun with this idea!

  8. These are all so pretty, Rosie! Thanks for hosting this week, it was a fun challenge!

  9. Such beautiful postcard art! The designs are fabulous 😁. Have a great day! J 😊
    p.s.sorry I haven't joined you at AJJ of late, I've had flu the past week so haven't had any creative time or energy 😉. Hope to make up for lost time and join you again soon. J x


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