Samstag, 29. August 2015

First Christmas Card

for 2015

Thank you for looking.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wow!!!! Das ist wirklich wieder soooo schön!!!!

  2. Well done for making a star on Christmas Rosie. This is such a fun card

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Da musste ich doch mal richtig schmunzeln...

  4. Wow! The little red bird and Santa flying: what a beautiful combination!

  5. Haha love this design. Fab card x

  6. The crazy bird looks great in red!
    Groetjes Karin

  7. And what a cute first Christmas card it is! I can't wait to get ahold of those crazy birds myself!

  8. Oh, wie süss ! Ich habe die Stempel jetzt auch, nur das Hütchen noch nicht... :)) Liebe Grüsse, Enny

  9. loving the Crazy Birds...just got the set but haven't had time to play.


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