Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015

Living in a Jar

for a Challenge in our Facebook group.

Thank you for looking.

12 Kommentare:

  1. oh, schade, dass ich nicht bei facebook bin, das ist ein super-thema.
    und was DUUUU alles in das Glas reingesetzt hast!
    Hut ab (ach nein, Hut drauf...)
    Herzlich Pippa

  2. These are fantastic! What a cool ide!

  3. Wonderful tags, Rosie. The images in the jar are so cute !
    Corrie x

  4. What a great thoughed to fill the pots with people I love your creations a lot!!!

    Have a nice summer time!!!


  5. Ha ha I love these cards, they are so cute Rosie!

  6. Your bright colours and layered stamping is amazing. Love these. Hugz

  7. Super creations...Love the colors and stamping !


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