Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2015

Yellow and Texture

for DragonsDream Tag it On #191

Thank you for looking.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Rosie, this is gorgeous! I love that Lynne Perrella image and with the yellow she looks simply radiant! The postage stamps are the perfect touch: the tulip one is wonderful. Beautiful tag with nice texture too! Thank you for dreaming with the Dragons. xxx

  2. Wow, das ist sehr schön, die helle Farbe macht alles so lebendig ! Liebe Grüsse, Enny

  3. Fabulous Rosie, I love that stamp as well. Thank you for dreaming with us Dragons, Elizabeth x

  4. Sieht wieder toll aus Rosie,
    die Briefmarken passen klasse dazu!

  5. Wie genial - das Gelb leuchtet herrlich und der Einsatz von Briefmarken ist immer wieder schön. Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei Dragons Dream Tag It On.

  6. I love all your tones of yellows and some highlighting complimentary oranges. Your tag, Rosie, is so fun to look at and find all your fun details you managed to add to it. I especially like that butterfly stamp and how it blends right into the design.

  7. This is a wonderful tag Rosie and thanks for joining our challenge over at Dragons Dream challenge this week
    x catherine


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