Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015

Warm Colours

I was in a mood to make tags. The first two are for Tag Along "Warm Colours".

Thank you for looking.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Great combinations of colour and so much beautiful stamps! A real feast for the eyes! Groetjes, Gerrina

  2. A fun collectin Rosie with beautiful backgrounds and stamping

    Love Chrissie

  3. Herrliche Tags liebe Rosie... großes Stempelkino!

  4. Totally amazing tags, Rosie, every one of them. And I'm so pleased you've joined in my Warm Colours challenge. I like the masculine feel to them.

  5. Four winners, Rosie! You are definitely on a "tag" roll, my friend! I love the very warm color palette in the first two, and they are just perfect for the Tag Along Blog Challenge this week!

  6. Great tags!
    have a lovely weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  7. Wunderschöne Tags Rosie ! Herrliche Farben und tolle Gestaltung ! Liebe Grüsse Enny

  8. fab tags, adore the fish one the best, its really striking x


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