Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015


for Tag Along #78

Thank you for looking.

12 Kommentare:

  1. Fantastic ideas on this tag-I love the idea of stamping on the printed paper fr the models

    Love Chrissie x

  2. Dein Tag ist der "HAMMER" Rosie!!

    GLG Doris

  3. A gorgeous tag Rosie with wonderful details
    Tfs Annie x

  4. Das ist echt schick Rosie! Der HG ist ne Wucht und das Text- Outfit der Kleider total klasse.

  5. Rosie, this is absolutely delightful! You nailed the three hot spots of world fashion on your tag! Thanks for participating in my Tag Along Blog Challenge this week.

  6. The models looks so great coloured aswell as in "bookclothes"! And a super BG for them! Fijn weekend, Gerrina


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