Mittwoch, 5. November 2014

MOO-MANIA & MORE #74 - Lieblingsfarbe(n) / Favourite Color(s)

I love bright and shining colors. / Ich liebe helle und strahlende Farben.

As you know, you can link all sorts of projects to this theme - not only MOO(s) are accepted over at MOO MANIA & More.

Ihr wisst, Ihr könnt mit allem, was Ihr zum Thema werkelt (Moo's, ATCs, Karten etc) bei MOO MANIA & More teilnehmen.

Thank you for looking. / Danke für's Anschauen.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Fabulous Rosie, love the colours you chose and you used them so beautifully!

  2. Wonderful colours Rosie

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Gorgeous, I also love bright and bold colors! Groetjes Karin

  4. O ja, ich liebe die tollen Farben ! Sehr schön gemacht ! Liebe Grüsse Enny

  5. Super those bright colours! They are the first I take, but don't always use them (would be boring...) Great tag! Groetjes, Gerrina

  6. Such a nice combination of block and stamps Rosie. Love the colors and use of textures. Thanks for joining us here at A Vintage Journey.

  7. Absolutely making the most of the way that background has come out. Love it Rosie. Jenny x


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