Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Eyes of the Soul

My third entry for Designs by Ryn September Challenge

Thank you for looking.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Goodmorning Rosie, what an amazing card! Wonderful.

  2. Wonderful card, love the faces looking through the leaves with the water drops coming down!

  3. Hey Rosie, thanks for your comments lately. So appreciated :) Great combination of images in this and I love the colours you chose. Thanks for uploading to my blog!

  4. wieder die schönen tropfen! und das auge links oben ist ein klasse stempel!

  5. stunning creation, love the combination of stamps and the great colors! Groetjes Karin

  6. Beautiful card, love the face looking through the leaves

  7. Wow, and again a great one! Still enjoying all the beautiful creations here... Groetjes, Gerrina


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