Freitag, 13. September 2013

I'm the lucky winner

of the August challenge at Crafty Individuals.
First I show you a card that is stamped with a part of my profits and mixed with other stamps.
I got so much:
Also I got jn 25% discount to buy the Crafty Individuals Shop. Here is my shopping:

I say thank you for the wonderful profit.

14 Kommentare:

  1. WAHOO! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Rosie! Well derserved. Deine Karte ist mal wie immer HAMMER!!

    Viel Freude an deinem Gewinn und deinen neuen Goodies, man kann ja nie genug Stempelchen haben ;)

    Schönes Wochenende!


  2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch - das hat sich ja gelohnt.Freut mich für Dich.

  3. Congrats with the winning Rosie and you've made a great card with some of the lovely stamps

  4. What a very beautiful card and what a great win and shopping!! And your cards are always stunning so you deserved it!!
    xxx Marianne

  5. congratulations have picked some beautiful stamps! And I love the collage effect of this card...I especially like the bird, it finishes it off beautifully.
    Dot x

  6. congratulations have picked some beautiful stamps! And I love the collage effect of this card...I especially like the bird, it finishes it off beautifully.
    Dot x

  7. Well deserved as I thought your entry was captivating, so full of drama.
    Malcolm and Jean are always so generous with what they send and I know you will make use of the sample stamps they gifted to you, they are so useful.
    The card you are sharing is beautiful, I like the way you mixed stamps.
    Happy Stamping!

  8. Lovely use of your prize stamps - very well done. Jean x

  9. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Gewinn!!!! Die Karte ist aber auch klasse!!!! Total schön!!!!


  10. You, lucky basterd!!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch für Dich, Rosie.
    Du machtst ja immer solche schöne Arbeit, das muss aufgefallen sein bei CI. Welche schöne Stempeln du bekommen und gekauft hast! Viel spass damit.
    Groetjes Gery


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